It's official! Capcom's new Street Fighter game, Street Fighter 5 is in the works.
EventHubs reports that, Capcom president Haruhiro Tsujimoto told press at E3 2014 that Strret Fighter 5 will be more casual and accessible than the previous games.
"We'd like to steer away from making the next game such that skilled players will win, but unskilled players will lose almost instantaneously."
Tsujimoto hinted new features for Street Fighter 5 as he mentioned a built-in spectator mode that allows players who are new to the fighting arcade series how pro gamers play in Street Fighter.
Street Fighter 5 is slated for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox along with a confirmed release date, although Japanese website Sponichi Annex reports that Street Fighter 5 is still years away from being released.
Meanwhile, Street Fighter producer Yoshinori Ono breaks his silence on a certain rumor regarding the "pay-to-win" feature in Street Fighter 5.
Ono is known for his willingness to reach out to the fans as he took to Twitter and cleared out certain things.
The SFV news today about a pay to win model is not accurate and isn't something we're planning for.
— Yoshinori Ono (@Yoshi_OnoChin) June 11, 2014
The SFV news today about a pay to win model is not accurate and isn't something we're planning for. — Yoshinori Ono (@Yoshi_OnoChin) June 11, 2014
It was in 2008 that Street Fighter IV was released and marked the return of the game series. Street Fighter 4 went on to have multiple versions like Super Street Fighter 4, Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition, and Ultra Street Fighter 4.
No, doubt that gaming fans are excited to see what Capcom has in store Street Fighter 5 in the future.