Leonardo DiCaprio Parties With 50 Women At World Cup; ‘Wolf Of Wall Street’ Star Donates $7 Million To Ocean Conservation

World news
Leonardo DiCaprio
World Cup
World Cup 2014
The Wolf of Wall Street

Leonardo DiCaprio partied with 50 women at the World Cup according to Standard Media.

The 'Wolf Of Wall Street' star reportedly had thirty women flown in specially, put up in a swanky hotel and fed and watered all at his expense,how very generous. The other 20 live in the wealthy tourist resort which is 100 miles east of capital Rio.

DiCaprio reportedly hired out Pacha nightclub for his World Cup bash after checking out Brazil's opening match against Croatia.

A source told Standard Media, "Leo had bottles and bottles of Dom Perignon champagne going around. Some of the girls taught him a dance to Valesca Popozuda's hit Bejinho no Ombro - Little Kiss on the Shoulder - and he loved it so much he kept asking the DJ to play it again and again. He didn't really cosy up to any one girl in particular. He was really sociable and kept wandering from one woman to the next."

Leonardo DiCaprio suits up while speaking onstage during the second and the final day of the Our Ocean Conference on Tuesday (June 17) at the State Department in Washington, DC, accoridng to the Australian.

DiCaprio said in his speech, "Since my very first dive in the Great Barrier Reef in Australia 20-years-ago to the dive I got to do in the very same location just two years ago, I've witnessed environmental devastation first-hand."

The 'Wolf Of Wall Street' star also pledged to donate $7 million over the next two years into projects to help the oceans.

"What once had looked like an endless underwater utopia is now riddled with bleached coral reefs and massive dead zones.

"Unfortunately today, there's no proper law enforcement capacity and little accountability for violating the law. It's the Wild West on the high seas."

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