The Wolverine 3 Movie Plot Involves Spider-Man? Easter Egg Of 'The Wolverine' Confirms Spider-Man Exists In The X-Men Universe!


The Wolverine 3 movie plot could feature the involvement of Spider-Man if the hints given throughout the series are to be believed.

But how can Spider-Man be involved in the Wolverine 3 movie plot?

Because Spider-Man has existed in the X-Men cinematic universe the whole time as seen on the easter eggs and cross promotional activities shown on the X-Men cinematic universe.

People think that the first time Spider-Man and the X-Men cinematic universe had a "tie-in" was at the end of the Amazing Spider-Man 2 where the post credits scene of the movie was a clip of X-Men Days of Future Past but that was just the latest and not the first time it happened.

During the Wolverine movie, there is an Easter Egg that depicts an Asian guy wearing a Venom/Spider-Man cap.

This is a picture of the scene:

This happens at around the 1hr mark of the Wolverine Extended Cut Bluray. You can see that the guy is clearly wearing a Spider-Man/Venom cap.

Let's not forget that Spider-Man made a cameo at the blooper reel of the first X-Men movie trilogy as shown here:

It is just a matter of time before it is officially announced that Spider-Man exists in the X-Men cinematic universe. And with the X-Men cinematic universe rebooted after Days of Future Past, anything can happen. Such as the Wolverine 3 movie plot involving Spider-Man.

But what do you think? Sound off in the comments below!

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