Nicki Minaj 2014 Album Not Pink Print Anymore But Blue Print Instead? Find Out Why Minaj Considers Her Album As Blueprint To Aspiring Rappers


According to MTV, Nicki Minaj 2014 Album entitled "Pink Print" is an inspiration to some aspiring female rappers. And it is also said that Minaj has collaborated Drake for the album.

MTV's interview with Minaj, the singer stated these,

"I wanted the sound to be a newer sound and people never heard me sing in that tone, and it was just something fresh and new,"

She also added:

"Everybody has felt like they're angry, but they still love somebody, and something about that line I feel is just like one of the strongest lines ever said. 'I'm angry, but I still love you' I think there's something that's very classic and iconic about that because everyone can relate."

According to, Nicki Minaj said to DJ Semtex of BBC 1Xtra about her upcoming album. Minaj explained what the new album means to her. The singer stated:"The Pink Print will be The Blueprint for female rappers to come."

Unlike her previous albums, the singer considered it as one that she can certainly live up to. She also mentioned some of the songs that preceded the release of her single, "Pills N Potions."

When she was asked about "Chi-Raq," during the interview, she answered that all her songs are original.
It is also rumored that Lil Wayne will appear on the "The Pink Print" Album. But Minaj revealed on MTV's interview that they are in the same studio.

As of the moment, there is no update yet regarding the exact date of the album "The Pink Print".un

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