Ed Sheeran Girlfriend: British Singer Reveals The Type Of Girl He Likes! Was Losing His Virginity The Best Moment Of His Life?

Ed Sheeran
Ed sheeran girlfriend

"Lego House" hit singer Ed Sheeran revealed what types of girls he liked in an interview with Elle last June 24.

The British singer gamely answered questions that his fans sent in, talking about Taylor Swift, the cheating ex in his song "Don't," selling out Maddison Square Garden three times, and losing his virginity.

When a fan asked what he looks for in a girlfriend, the 23-year-old singer said he liked funny girls. "I think that's key for any long-lasting relationship," the British sensation added.

Although he had "more sense" than dating a girl with no funny bone in her body, Sheeran revealed that he does talk to a lot of girls with "no sense of humor quite a lot."

"I met this model last year," The singer-composer elaborated, "Her meal for the day was a cotton ball soaked in Diet Coke. I don't want to be friends with somebody like that."

Another fan asked if he would ever date a woman that didn't like his music, to which the hitmaker answered with a laugh that he would.

"I think there's a difference between loving the work and respecting it. If I dated, I don't know, a horse jockey-I'm not a massive fan of horse races, but I could still respect what the person does," The Bitish singer added.

"I think women expect me to be a lothario-with a different girl in every city," Sheeran answered, when asked if he was a pushover. "That's what they [women] hear musicians are like."

In the song "Don't" which is included in his new album, X (pronounced multiply), he talks about an girlfriend who cheated on him with his friend. He admits (without mentioning names) that he hasn't heard from them but has heard of "things." Everything he's ever written about-except the "The Hobbit" theme song, "I See Fire"-is from his life experiences.

Despite his massive-and still growing fanbase-Sheeran thinks h still won't be considered a modern-day sex symbol. He does admit though that men who play guitar and sing sensitive songs do have potential to be one.

In another question about relationships, the "Give Me Love" singer admits that the first time he had sex with a girl was a "benchmark" in his life but also wasn't the "best thing" he's ever done. He even insists that selling out Madison Square Garden three times was better than that fateful encounter.

When asked the proverbial question about Taylor Swift, Sheeran revealed his best mate and "Everything Has Changed" collaborator loves "Law & Order"-"Or is it CSI? It's one of them-on a continuous loop in the house."

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