A woman in Maryland found what some could interpret as a "treat" in her meal on Wednesday.
Carla McFarland took her two children to get a drive-thru meal at Sonic where she found a bag of marijuana mixed in with her family's food.
"I just kind of sat there in my car in shock. I kept thinking, what if my kids had eaten it?" McFarland stated.
She immediately called the police and notified Sonic's management, who were apologetic and remade their meal at no charge, according to Yahoo News.
"I definitely can't say that didn't go out of their way. I honestly think they were more in shock than I was," stated McFarland.
Eventually, an employee at Sonic came forward and stated that the marijuana was hers and guessed that the bag had slipped out of her apron while she was working.
The worker was fired and John Louderback, the frachisee of the Sonic location, stated that the incident is under investigation, but reportedly didn't speak about the employee drug-testing policies of the fast food restaurant.
The bag was seized by deputies, but it is still unknown if the contents were confirmed to be marijuana.
McFarland reportedly posted her shocking experience on Facebook, where the incident was taken rather lightly.
"I think that's why everyone thinks it's so funny, because it's marijuana and it's going to be legalized. It could have been crack. It could have been cocaine in that little baggie," stated McFarland.