NASA Flying Saucer Hawaii: A “Success” Despite Parachute Problem


NASA flying saucer Hawaii was a huge success. NASA's launch of a "flying saucer" into the atmosphere on Saturday was successfully. This launch was primarily done to test the technology that the organization has come up with. In fact, there is much talk that this technology will be used to land on Mars.

According to NASA, the main purpose of the experiment was to test out if the technology they made can be used to land spacecraft on Mars. Eventually, they will be testing this "flying saucer" for getting humans to the Red Planet.

NASA flying saucer Hawaii was, as the name entails, done at a Hawaiian island, particularly off the coast of Kauai. The experiment was done to test how the disc-shaped vehicle would perform on an actual launch. It had a huge parachute, which, sadly, did not fully deploy. However, NASA has already called the launch a success despite this problem. With a faulty parachute, the "flying saucer" splashed into the Pacific on the afternoon of Saturday instead.

This experiment has been scheduled for quite some time now. However, it kept being moved further back on the calendar due to strong winds. In fact, since the 2nd of June, NASA has postponed the experiment numerous times already.

Despite a highly technological world today, NASA still relies on some basic designs that were developed by the organization over 40 years ago. Ian Clark, NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, informed the press earlier this month, "We've been using the same parachutes for several decades now. If we want to eventually land a human on the surface of Mars, we realized we need to develop new technologies."

According to Clark, the latest rover that was sent to Mars weighed nearly a ton. This new technology, however, would allow weight that is twice as heavy. Plus, with the use of multiple parachutes, a spacecraft weighing 20 to 30 tons can even make a soft landing. It would seem that the success of the NASA flying saucer Hawaii experiment makes the possibility of humans on Mars even stronger.

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