Nightmare Nanny has been getting a lot of attention lately. This 64-year-old nanny has finally agreed to leave the home of a couple whom she used to work for in California. She blatantly refused to leave the premises of the couple's home even after they already fired her. However, the mother of the family who hired her in the first place feels like "it's a trap."
This whole ruckus began when couple Ralph and Marcella Bracamonte reported that Diane Stretton, the nanny they hired through Craigslist, suddenly stopped working and kept complaining about being sick. Stretton only worked for them for a couple of months, but the couple said she kept complaining about various health problems.
According to a report made by KCBS-TV, the Bracamontes even asked help from law enforcement officials just so they could finally evict the Nightmare Nanny from their house. However, the local police said that there was nothing that they could do to help.
Bracamonte said, "They told me it was now a civil matter and I have to [legally] evict her. So, this lady is welcome inside my house, anytime she wants, to eat my food anytime she wants and harass me, basically. I'm now a victim in my home and it's completely legal."
Marc Cohen, the lawyer of the Bracamontes, informed People magazine, "She came is as a nanny in exchange for services. She was given a room. She has a legal right to that room. I don't think there is a legal obligation to feed her. There would be a legal obligation to ensure that she has lights, running water, things like that."
There was also a time when the Nightmare Nanny, herself, called the police to report that their TV was far too loud. Bracamonte told the magazine, "We could be fined up to $1,000 for disrupting our 'tenant.'"
The Nightmare Nanny has finally agreed to leave the house on the 4th of July, but the couple is thinking that this is a well-though trap from Stretton since they will be leaving for the weekend on the 2nd of July.