The director of Midnight Rider, Randall Miller, and producers Jody Savin and Jay Sedrish were charged with involuntary manslaughter and criminal trespass Thursday in Wayne County, Georgia after the death of camera assistant Sarah Jones.
The accident that killed Jones happened on the set of the movie Midnight Rider, a movie about Gregg Allman, an American musician, and the founder of the Allman brothers band.
The Wayne County sheriff's office submitted the report of their investigation to the district attorney in April to let the DA decide whether charges should be filed. Just last Wednesday, Wayne County detective Joe Gardner presented the case to the grand jury. Involuntary manslaughter and criminal trespass charges were filed Thursday.
According to district attorney Jackie Johnson, involuntary manslaughter charges carry a possible 10-year prison sentence under Georgia law. Meanwhile, criminal trespass, a misdemeanor, carries a possible 12-month sentence.
Those charged were Randall Miller, the film's director, Jody Savin, the producer (also Miller's wife), and Jay Sedrish, the film's executive producer. The film's production has come to a standstill, and the lead actor William Hurt has backed out of the movie. The production tried to relocate their shooting in Los Angeles but were denied permission.
The accident took place on February 20. The production crew were shooting a dream sequence on live railroad tracks in Doctortown Landing, Country Georgia. The cast and crew were told that if a train appeared, they would have 60 seconds to get out of the way. A train did approach, coming in at speeds of nearly 60 mph, and it was not enough time for Jones and several other crew members to clear the tracks. Jones was hit and killed.Several other crew members were injured but survived.
The district attorney's office has said that there would be no more comment on the pending case from their side on the pending case, following the announcement of the criminal charges filed Thursday.