Scarlett Johansson Lawsuit: Actress Sues Book Author For Depicting Her As 'Sex Object'; French Court Awards Her Legal Damages


Scarlett Johansson has been awarded 2,500 euros in legal damages after winning a lawsuit against an author whose book has a promiscuous character that is based on the actress.

Johansson's lawyers have argued that the book, where the main the character is based on the actress, depicts her in defamatory manner. The character is shown to be engaged in a number of love affairs with other celebrities. The actress' lawyers says this is tantamount to "fraudulent use of her personal rights."

The author of the book, The First Thing We Look At, Gregoire Delacourt, has maintained that his novel is a "satire on celebrity culture." He further stated that it was never meant to put the actress in a bad light.

The book, which was released in March 2013, has sold 100,000 copies. It revolves around Jeanine Foucamprez, a model who is based on Johansson.

"It was meant as the highest praise. She is an archetypal beauty of our times, very human with a touching fragility," Delacourt said "She is a wonderful, iconic actress. I was hoping that she might send me flowers because this book is, in a way, a declaration of love."

Johansson apparently did not see it this way. The actress' lawyer, Vincent Toledano has told the court that the book has depicted not only in a degrading manner, as "a sex object," but it also that the love affairs depicted in the story are false.

Aside from seeking damages, the 30-year-old actress also asked that the court prevent the novel from being turned into a movie. The court has not granted this request.

"If I had known she was going to kick up such a racket, I would have picked another actress," Delacourt said. "All these famous people live with us all the time. Celebrity culture is imposed on us by the media, the press and the internet. So her complaint is based on exactly the phenomenon I am denouncing. It's a paradox. But I suppose it's all very American."

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