Josh Gordon was arrested and charged for driving while impaired. He was caught speeding down Raleigh, North Carolina. According to Jim Sughrue, the spokesperson of the local police, the wide receiver of the Cleveland Browns was taken into custody at the Wake County Detention Center after he was pulled over at 3 a.m. Saturday for speeding at 50 miles per hour at a zone that had a limit of 35 miles per hour.
Captain Tommy Klein of the Raleigh police department said that people who are arrested in Raleigh with a DWI charge must be, first and foremost, "appreciable impaired." Sughrue was bombarded with questions on whether or not the DWI charge was for alcohol or any other impairing substance, and he only replied, "I can't comment on any tests we gave him or what the results were."
WNCN, which is the affiliate network of NBC in Raleigh, issued a report that Josh Gordon's blood-alcohol level was actually at 0.09. Additionally, Josh Gordon also admitted to having drunk three drinks that were incorporated with vodka. The legal blood-alcohol limit in North Carolina is 0.08.
Sughrue would also not provide the press with any comments if marijuana or other user drugs were involved in his arrest, but he has kept mum about the subject matter. However, it was found out that no drug charges were filed.
Josh Gordon was released on a bond that was worth $500. The court records did not list the name of any lawyer. However, a court appearance for the charges that were filed against Josh Gordon has already been scheduled for him on the 26th of August.
The local authorities said that the person who paid for Josh Gordon's bond was later identified as Haydn Thomas, or "Fats." Thomas is a convicted felon who pleaded guilty to drug and gun charges back in November. He was then given a sentence of 36 months of imprisonment after he pleaded guilty. However, the prison sentence was cut short and was suspended in lieu of probation.