Potato salad Kickstarter raises almost $60,000 on a popular fund-raising website that was initiated by a man who lives in Columbus, Ohio. To date, donations keep coming in. Zack Brown, who goes by the nickname of "Danger" was actually originally just asking for $10.
This potato salad Kickstarter campaign actually started out as a spoof for the fund-raising site. This particular website is full of earnest attempts of raising money that are intended for good causes, as well as some business start-ups. However, this silly idea of Brown immediately went viral and amused a lot of people. In fact, his campaign amused the people enough, making them part with their money and make a donation.
According to a report by Slate, Brown has not mentioned about what he will do with the funds that he got from his potato salad Kickstarter campaign. Many of the donors suggested starting a local food bank. However, Gawker has pointed out that donating money to a charity would end up violating the terms of Kickstarter. So, for now, the huge amount of money, a whopping $60,000, would just entail a lot of potato salad.
Brown said in his statement, "Basically, I'm just making potato salad. I haven't decided what kind yet."
Why so many people have responded so generously to Brown's potato salad Kickstarter campaign remains unclear to date. However, it may have something to do with the standard Kickstarter policy that donors will be getting something in return, depending on the amount of money they have pledged. According to the rule, campaign supporters will be getting a reward for the donations that they made.
If they want to know what the potato salad, the point of the potato salad Kickstarter campaign in the first place, tastes like, they will have to fork over a minimum of $3 for each bite. It looks like Brown will have to do more than doubling the recipe, though, since over 4,000 people have decided to chip in. Well, 4,000 people and counting.