What made Chris Bosh sign back to the Miami Heat instead of moving forward to Houston Rockets? A lot has been going on for Bosh during last week. He was away for a well deserved vacation but at the same time, he still has a lot of thinking to do with regards to where he will be heading the next season of the NBA. It was just recently when long time pal, LeBron James decided to go back home to the Cleveland Cavaliers and that he also has a waiting contract from the Houston Rockets.
It was then that he looked at his life and evaluated what was best for his family and not just for himself. And there it hit him, according to Bosh "We've built a life in South Florida and we're comfortable. So I had to do what's best now for myself and my family."
It was because of this that Bosh decision became much easier. He chose to be where his family is happy and that is by signing a max contract worth $118 million to the Miami Heat. Although Bosh won't be able to sign the five year contract right away as he is still on vacation, he seems excited having his voice heard now that James is out of the picture.
Bosh answered questions in an interview saying "I can't lie to you: I'm excited. I'm excited for the challenge. I want to step up to the challenge. I feel this is a chance to prove to myself and others that I can still do this." He added "I want to see if I can do what's necessary to go in there and win every night. That's the challenge of being a leader. It excites me. It's been a long time and I feel like I'm a much better player and a leader now, so it'll be fun."
When asked how the Miami Heat would fare without James around, he answered "We have so much chemistry. We'll just be continuing without LeBron. It's starting a different chapter. It's exciting. I think it should be motivation for everybody to step up to the plate. We're fortunate enough to have some of the same guys. We should be able to say, 'Hey, we can come out here and compete no matter what happens."