Bethenny Frankel is causing an uproar with the photo she recently posted on her Instagram account.
The former "Real Housewives of New York" star is now so thin that she can fit into her 4-year-old daughter's pajamas, as she displayed on her Instagram on Sunday morning, according to the NY Daily News.
"This is my daughter's nightgown and PJ shorts. Think we're ready to start sharing clothes yet?," read the caption, along with the rather frightening photo.
The picture has been raising concern, especially because Bethenny Frankel had reportedly confessed to starving herself and trying multiple diets to maintain a "skinny" figure in the past.
"I used to go out and drink and go to the deli downstairs. The next day, I would vow not to eat because last night I wasn't 'good.' Food was my best friend or enemy," Frankel had told Us Weekly.
The creator of "Skinny Girl" beverages and books had reportedly claimed that her dangerous eating habits had all come to a stop in 2006 when she decided to exercise and just eat smaller portions.
Her followers on Instagram didn't hide their shock after Bethenny Frankel posted the picture of herself posing in Hello Kitty wear.
"You r too skinny. You'll probably make your daughter starve herself someday. . . . YUK!!! Eat a hoagie n keep it down!," wrote user larmac03.
According to Entertainment Online, another Instagram user wrote, "I would just caution doing this as she gets more impressionable. She needs to develop a healthy self-image because she may not have all of your genes. . . and it won't be obvious to you, but it will look as though you are competing with her."
User Katie Brown added to the criticism toward Frankel, writing, "You're using your 'power' as a celebrity in the wrong way. You're a grown woman the size of a preschooler."