Justin Bieber Dating Gigi Hadid Selena Gomez: Jelena Moving On, Not Falling For Biebe's Flirting

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Justin Bieber Dating Gigi Hadid Selena Gomez: It looks like Justin Bieber Selena Gomez issues. are surfacing again. While the Biebes thinks he can get away with the Miami drag racing with a model in his Lamborghini, and go sailing on yachts with his platonic girl pals in the French riviera, Selena knows about 'every move he makes."

Justin admitted to a source he would "hook up with Gigi Hadid" in a second if he could. And it confirms the singing sensation's adolescence is in full swing with models galore at his side or waiting for him to call.

And the 'I know you know ' adolescent rage may have gone too far. Selena Gomez knows Justin Bieber is flirting with other girls; obviously to make her her jealous. She also knows Justin will 'never ever' get a babe like Selena, and if their is a next time for the duo, Biebe may actually have to sing 'Baby Babe Please.' to get her back.'

A source close to Selena told Hollywood Life, Justin Bieber dating Gigi Hadid Selena Gomez fiasco is not something Selena Gomez is loosing sleep over: "Selena is not crying any more tears over Justin. She is determined to move on," adding, "She knows Justin is trying his best to make her jealous but she's simply not buying into it. She has more confidence than ever now."

Since both Selena and Justin are avid social media watchers, they even enjoy tuning into 'who's dating who?' and posting photos of their latest praiseworthy dates on social media networks.

Selena Gomez aka Jelena has had enough and she's ready to hang up her 'blue dress', in the words of another recent noteworthy name in online tabloids trying to bring full closure to a relationship with a former President.

Surely it can't be that difficult for Selena to end it with the singer songwriter who got famous after his mother posted YouTube videos of his songs.

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