Obama Fist Bumps Gay Worker During Surprise Visit To A Texas Restaurant As The President Cuts A Lunch Line And Shares A Laugh With The Cashier!


His quip about sex earned a Texas restaurant worker a fist bump with the president of the United States.

Last week, President Barack Obama toured Colorado and Texas, where he made sure to stop by Franklin Barbecue, a popular barbecue restaurant in Austin, for lunch.

When Obama approached the counter, National Post said cashier Daniel Rugg Webb took his moment and slammed down his hands on the counter, saying, "Equal rights for gay people!"

The president then asked Webb if he was gay, which the cashier answered with, "Only when I have sex."

"That's when he laughed and said, 'Bump me,'" Webb told The Austin Chronicle.

The iconic moment was captured by Doug Mills, of the New York Times.

Webb, who is also a comedian, an artist and a musician, said it was his lucky day.

"That's my favorite part because it was cool to get a joke in. In all the photos [over the Internet], I look like a dead fish, but it was cool. I do stand-up, so it was nice to have some interaction based on, hopefully, something funny," he said.

Webb said he's not sure how things would have turned out if the person who cut the line wasn't Obama.

"If Rick Perry would've walked in, I would have lost my job. I would've taken that old queen to town," Webb said.

The president, however, drew flak after he cut the long line at the famous eatery. Obama offered to pay for the order of a family of two who were standing in line in front of him, who ordered three pounds of brisket, two pounds of ribs, and a half-pound each of turkey and sausage, according to the Austin American-Statesman.

Obama ended up paying for the order of the two, in addition to his own order of almost $300, which he paid with a credit card.

The restaurant's owner, Aaron Franklin, said no one has ever cut in line at his eatery until last Thursday.

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