‘Running Man’ Song Ji Hyo is a Femme Fatale


The SBS entertainment program "I like Sundays - Running Man" member Song Ji Hyo was a femme fatale in the most recent episode of the program. On the most recent episode of the SBS entertainment program "I like Sundays - Running Man," which aired on July 13, 2014, Running Man member Song Ji Hyo dressed up as a princess, Snow White, and a witch.

On the 204th episode of the SBS entertainment program "I like Sundays - Running Man," which aired on July 13, 2014, the Running Man members and the special guest Ryoo Seung Soo played the game called "Snow White and Seven Running Dwarfs." The "Running Dwarfs" ran around to find the prince who would kiss the sleeping Snow White, who was played by Running Man member Song Ji Hyo, and awake her. The Running Dwarfs played games, going back and forth between past and present, to find the prince.

Running Man member Song Ji Hyo in this episode showed up wearing Snow White's dress. She took a bite of an apple and passed out, and shortly after rose up and said, "This is so much fun." In related news, on the most recent episode of the SBS entertainment program "I like Sundays - Running Man," which aired on July 13, 2014, the Running Man members and the special guest Ryoo Seung Soo dressed up as the "Running Dwarfs" to play the Snow White game. Running Man member Song Ji Hyo dressed up as Snow White, and Gary won the position of the prince to kiss Song Ji Hyo.

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