Colombia's James Rodriguez Celebrates Golden Boot while in Talks to join Real Madrid


The future is shining brighter for young Colombian James Rodriguez after his 2014 World Cup stint. Rodriguez was awarded the Golden Boot during the recently concluded FIFA World Cup help in Brazil. The award is given to the player who had the most number of goals during the tournament.

The 23 year old Rodriguez scored six goals in five games in the World Cup. He celebrated his award together with his family. This is the first time a Colombian player has won the golden boot in the history of the world cup.

The young Rodriguez took to twitter to thank everyone for his achievement. He wrote "Thanks to God. All of you for the effort you made. And to my national team colleagues who made it all possible."

It was due to Rodriguez' six goals that Colombia was able to place a seat in the quarterfinals before being kicked off by host Brazil.

On the other hand, French club Monaco is willing to sell James Rodriguez with an asking price of $100 million. But Spanish soccer club Real Madrid is only willing to pay $94.9 million. If club Monaco will accept the offer, this would have to mean that Rodriguez will be with the Spanish Team. James was bought by the French soccer club Monaco for $60 million in 2013.

Initially, Monaco wanted $135.6 million dollars for the Colombian player but later changed their minds and opted for $108 million. If Madrid will give in to the demand of Monaco, Rodriguez will have the most expensive contract for a Colombian player.

According to Jorge Mendes, Rodriguez' agent, "James "just wants to wear white."" Currently, James is considered to be a sought after player especially right after his great performance in the World Cup.

This will give an excellent kick start for the young football player. He has been excelling well in the field both from his line of attack and his ability to sink in a goal. Surely, a lot of other team will also be willing to take on this opportunity to secure a piece of the action given by the Colombian star. Soon we will know if and when Rodriguez will be staying in Monaco or will be moving over to Madrid.

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