First it was Pharell Williams' infectious hit Happy (Tacky), then it was Robin Thicke's Blurred Lines (Word Crimes), now, singer Lorde is getting a song makeover as Weird Al Yankovic parodies her hit single, "Royals" and dubs it "Foil."
In the hilarious music video set in a cooking show set, Yankovic sings about his love for the aluminum wrap, citing its many uses.
"I never seem to finish all my food / I always get a doggie bag from the waiter / so I just keep what's still unchewed / and I take it home save it for later," he croons while seated in a restaurant.
Following Royals' tune, Weird Al follows it up with some fast-paced (not to mention icky!) lyrics, "But then I deal with / fungal / ripe bacteria formation / microbes, enzymes, mold and oxidation / I don't care / I've got a secret trick up my sleeve."
That's none other than aluminum foil, which he says is infinitely better than Tupperware contianers! "I just like to keep my flavors seal in tight with aluminum foil (foil)/ never settle for less/ that kind of wrap is just the best/ to keep your sandwich nice and fresh," he sings. "Stick it in your cooler (cooler)/ eat it when you're ready/ but maybe you'll choose, you'll choose, you'll choose, you'll choose/ a refreshing herbal tea."
Check out Weird Al's hilarious rendition of 'Foil' from College Humor's Youtube channel and try to keep guessing which single he's going to parody next!