Chelsea Manning gender treatment is currently a very sensitive issue. The US military will reportedly start treatment for US document leaker Chelsea Manning for her condition that involves gender identity. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel has just approved Chelsea Manning gender treatment for Pte First Class Manning, who used to be known as Bradley.
It was only last April when a judge granted her petition to make legal changes to her name, from Bradley to Chelsea. Additionally, according to a court filing by her legal team, a military doctor had also approved a treatment plan.
This change only came in after the bureau of prisons opted to reject the request of the Army to transfer her from a certain military facility. She is presently serving a 35-year sentence for having leaked classified files to Wikileaks.
Chelsea Manning gender treatment has actually been diagnosed by the doctors of the military with gender dysphoria. This condition occurs when a person's gender is at odds with the sex that was assigned at birth.
Chelsea Manning gender treatment was convicted in July of 2013 with 20 charges that were all connected to the leaks that she did. She leaked various classified documents that involved military and diplomatic concerns. Manning actually requested for a Chelsea Manning gender treatment, which is inclusive of hormone therapy. Also, she requested to be permitted to live as a woman.
She hired a lawyer, who apparently threatened to sue the Army last May if she was not provided with the sex change therapy that she wanted in military prison. Nancy Hollander argued that the military was actually obligated to treat every soldier's "transgender issues," if there were any. Moreover, as argued by her lawyer, Chelsea Manning gender treatment would also not be safe if she was transferred to a civilian prison.
Hollander informed the BBC that Chelsea Manning gender treatment had not suffered any form of harassment while at the Fort Leavenworth military prison in Kansas, even if her fellow inmates were aware that she was a transgender.