Fish Oil Benefits; Omega-3 Protects Brain Damage From Alcohol Abuse?


The benefits of fish oil are plenty, as we've all probably heard at one point.

In a recent study, researchers found preliminary results which indicate that fish oil could prevent alcohol related dementia, according to ModVive.

Although there have been ongoing debates about whether moderate consumption of alcohol has its benefits or not, a recent study published in The BMJ found that any alcohol consumption is bad for your health.

Excessive alcohol consumption is reportedly responsible for 88,000 deaths yearly, while alcohol-induced dementia is said to be a primary chronic disease that alcoholics face, according to a recent study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Researchers reportedly sought to determine in the recent study whether omega-3 docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) - a compound found in fish oil - could protect brain cells from neuronal cell death, which eventually leads to dementia.

Researchers along with collaborators at the University of Kentucky and the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism conducted an experiment with cultures of adult rat brain cells, according to Medical News Today.

They exposed cell cultures to alcohol concentrations the equivalent of four times the legal limit for driving, then compared the brain cultures with other cultures that had also been exposed to the same levels of alcohol, but with the addition of DHA compound found in fish oil.

The team reportedly found that there was up to 90% less neuroinflammation and neuronal death in the brain cells that had been exposed to DHA than in the cells that had just been exposed to alcohol.

Despite the potential newfound benefit of fish oil, researchers reportedly stated that further studies are needed to confirm their findings.

"We don't want people to think it is okay to take a few fish oil capsules and then continue to go on abusing alcohol," stated study author Michael A. Collins.

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