What would Homeland's season 4 be like without Nicholas Brody? These questions and more were answered at the Television Critics Association summer press tour by the Homeland panel.
Showrunner Alex Gansa also talked about Homeland being snubbed at the recently announced Emmy Awards 2014 nomination, and how their show filmed in South Africa for the upcoming season. They also debuted the Homeland Season 4 trailer.
Another key issue addressed by Gansa was the less than glowing reviews his show had received for the last two seasons. "It was painful and sad loss for Homeland," he said, purportedly talking about Nicholas Brody (played in the series by Damian Lewis). But then he went on to reveal which character he was really talking about. "This was a character people loved to hate and hated to love. It's someone who we miss on set every day. And I can say that Dana Brody will not be back for season four."
Dana Brody is of course the daughter of Nicholas Brody, who has since become the target for much of the fans' annoyance because they feel the character's plotline is better suited for a teen drama, rather than a show about terrorism. Gansa assured the audience at the Television Critics Association that Dana (played by Morgan Saylor) will not be back on the series. Even the rest of the Brody family will not be making a reappearance for season 4.
On the Homeland panel, Gansa was with Alex Cary and Meredith Stiehm, writers and executive producers of the show. They too, were grilled about the recent lackluster episodes, which may have contributed to this year's Emmy snub.
"I don't know how you can look at the last six episodes last season and not say Homeland is one of the best show on television. The criticism hurt. The lack of an Emmy nomination hurt," admits Gansa.
But there is much to look forward to the show this upcoming season as can be seen in the Homeland Season 4 trailer. The show picks up where last season left off, with Carrie Mathison (Clairse Danes) in Pakistan. In the trailer we catch a glimpse of Carrie with her daughter, after the harrowing loss of last season. Gansa explains that Carrie has become stronger and more stable this season, with her mental illness and grief now dealt with.
Gansa also talked about the fortune of having chosen Cape Town, South Africa as their shooting venue this season, instead of Gaza which has once again erupted in fighting. "We spent two weeks talking about setting the show in Israel this year. I can tell you I'm very glad we didn't."
Watch the Homeland Season 4 Trailer here: