The game "Kim Kardashian: Hollywood" is getting bigger and bigger by the day.
In fact, the app has gotten so big that even government officials are playing it, evident from the tweet made from the Environmental Protection Agency's Office of Water's Twitter account, according to NY Daily News.
"I'm now a C-list celebrity in Kim Kardashian Hollywood. Come join me and become famous too by playing on iPhone!" the message read.
The tweet received almost 3,000 retweets before it was deleted. The developer of "Kim Kardashian: Hollywood," Glu Games, is clearly very happy about the app's ongoing success and the recent attention it got.
"Keep at it @EPAwater, you'll get there. #AList #WillowPapelsTheWorst #KimKardashianGame," the company tweeted.
On Tuesday morning, the EPA tweeted about the Kardahsian-related mixup.
"Whoops. . . our bad. Sorry about tweet. Upside - more attention for the Office of Water, thanks @KimKardashian," said the tweet.
Although the game is currently the most downloaded free game in Apple's U.S. App Store and is reportedly expected to bring in up to $200 million, rep. John Dingell, D-Mich., informed the world that he doesn't know who Kim Kardashian is, according to USA Today.
"I'm the last original author of the Clean Water Act, but I have no idea who/what a Kardashian is and I rarely play games. You OK, @EPAwater?" tweeted Dingell, who is retiring at the end of this term.
Soon after his original tweet, the congressman posted a second message that is equally as hilarious as his first.
"Staff has now informed me of what a Kardashian is. I'm only left with more questions," wrote Dingell.