Snoop Dogg Got High At The White House? Rapper Claims He Smoked Weed ‘In The Bathroom’ During A Visit To The President’s Official Home! Watch The Video Here


It really was the highest office in the land for Snoop Dogg.

In the latest episode of Snoop Dogg's GGN News, guest Jimmy Kimmel asked the rapper if he had gotten high while on a visit to the White House.

"In the bathroom. Not in the White House, but in the bathroom," Snoop Dogg told Kimmel during the opening of the show.

"I said, 'May I use the bathroom for a second?' And they said, 'What are you gonna do, Number 1 or Number 2?' I said, 'Number 2,'" the rapper explained.

Snoop Dogg said it was the CIA or the FBI or "one of those alphabet guys" who asked about his bathroom needs.

"So I said, 'Look, when I do the Number 2, I usually, you know, have a cigarette or light something to get the aroma right.' And they said, 'Well you know what? You can light a piece of napkin.' I said, 'I'll do that.' And the napkin was this," the rapper said, then went on to take a puff of a blunt.

Kimmel was fascinated with Snoop's tale, saying, "This is some story."

Snoop Dogg, however, was not the first celebrity to claim to have gotten high during a presidential event.

In 2009, comedian David Cross said during a stand-up routine that he snorted cocaine under his table, which was located "maybe 40 feet from the president of the United States," during the White House Correspondents' Dinner.

"But it's crazy and there's security, Secret Service is standing there ... I've got photos of all this. I'm there and the president is right here and with all these people at the table" he snorted coke," Cross said, according to Huffington Post.

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