Fight Club 2: Sequel To Be Released As 10-Part Comic Book In 2015; Will Brad Pitt And Edward Norton Star In Possible Film Version?


Good news to all Fight Club and Tyler Durden fans: writer Chuck Palahniuk will be coming out with the sequel to his hit 1996 novel.

Instead of a novel just like the redecessor, Fight Club 2 will be released as a comic book in 10 parts, with art by Cameron Stewart, and published by Dark Horse Comics.

According to the interview by author Pahlaniuk in USA Today, this Fight Club 2 story will be set before and after the timeline of the first novel.

The author further explained that while the first book was "such a tirade against fathers -- everything I had thought my father had not done combined with everything my peers were griping about their fathers," the new story will follow the life of the son of the first book's unnamed narrator.

The storyline will stem from the fact that "now.. [the narrator] finds himself at the age that [his] father was when [he] was trashing him."

Will the narrator be able to make right with his son, the shortcomings his own father had with him? This will be one of the themes to be explored in the sequel.

Now what about the much-loved character from the original book, the nihilistic Tyler Durden? The author said that Tyler Durden's character will be revealing something in the comic book follow-up.

"Tyler Durden is something that maybe has been around for centuries and is not just this aberration that's popped into the narrator's mind," Palahniuk explained.

It will be recalled that Fight Club gained something of a cult following especially after the release of the David Fincher movie version in 1999, which starred Edward Norton as the Narrator, a ripped Brad Pitt as Tyler Durden, and Helena Bonham-Carter as Marla Singer.

It's not farfetched to predict that a film version of Fight Club 2 will be in the works soon. Here's hoping that the original directors and actors will be back to reprise their roles that resonated with a generation of disillusioned young men and women.

Fight Club 2 will be released in April 2015.

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