Gotham TV Series News: Batman Show To Unveil Exclusives At Comic-con 2014; San Diego Mayor To Ride Gotham-Themed Zip Line


Gotham the TV series is set to go all out in its publicity and marketing campaign for the Comic-con 2014 in San Diego.

Fox, together with Warner Bros. Television will be coming out with a newspaper called the Gotham Chronicle. 5,000 copies of this will be given away to Comic-con 2014 attendees. The Gotham-themed daily will also have a web-based version, where fans can be updated about the latest news and happenings in Batman's hometown. Just go to to view this website.

And to kick things off at the Gotham festivities, the network and studio have announced that none other than San Diego city mayor Kevin L. Faulconerto will ride the Gotham-themed zip line.

Besides these, Gotham-style police cars will be available via the personal shuttle service Uber, where registered users can log on to, and choose a Gotham police car to bring them around. Inside the Gotham cop car, passengers will be treated to a glimpse of exclusive Gotham-themed materials and content. The service is free for registered users of Uber.

Shannon Ryan, the executive VP for marketing and communications of Fox, told The Hollywood Reporter that that they have really upped the ante in terms of their Gotham promotions. "When we are in the exploration phase, we always come at these stunts from a fan perspective and try to think of ideas that we all would find engaging, exciting, cool and fun," Ryan said. "

"With Gotham, we felt that the city is such an important character within the show that it would great if we could build out an experience that could immerse fans in that fascinating world - and the urban zip line was the perfect way to deliver on that. For the Uber promotion, we know everyone at Comic-Con is looking for ways to get around all the events in San Diego and thought there was no cooler way for fans to be able to show up to panels and parties than in a Gotham City police car - for free," she continued.

Watch out for these Gotham TV series exclusives at the San Diego Comic-con 2014.

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