Orphan Black Season 3 Spoilers: Show Creator Talks About Charlotte's Role In Upcoming Season; Plus A First Look At Orphan Black Comic Book Version Cover


The third season of the hit series Orphan Black is set to premiere in the spring of 2014. Its successful first and second seasons have generated a following for the series, and even critics and award-giving bodies have taken notice of this show that revolves around the theme of cloning.

One thrilling news about Orphan Black is that is has crossed over to the comic-book world. IDW Publishing confirmed that they will be coming out with a comic book series "all-new stories set in the complex and thrilling world of Orphan Black." Check out the cover by artist Nick Runge above.

As for the TV show itself, Orphan Black Season 3 spoilers are much anticipated as the twists and turns in the series have become more and more intriguing. Season 3 details have been leaked, and it is reported that there will be 10 episodes to watch out for, with the series still revolving around Tatiana Maslany and her multiple characters.

After leaving season 2 with Helena in the hands of the military, and Sarah ignorant of this situation. Reports say that once season 3 starts, and once Sarah gets wind of this problem, she will ask Mark to help her rescue Helena. Mark, of course, was one of the major plot surprises of last season when it was revealed that he was a clone out of the military cloning project called Project Castor.

Executive producer John Fawcett told Entertainment Weekly, "Ari Millen (Mark on the show) is a really talented guy and he's someone that we had brought in as this new Prolethean character, and we had planned to kill him in episode 6. After he did some significantly great work for us in the early get-going of the season we started to focus our eyes on him as very strong potential for our male clone, and that's kind of how that happened," Fawcett said.

Another Orphan Black Season 3 spoiler concerns the character of the little girl, Charlotte, who is the only survivor of the female cloning experiments. she will be a major centerpiece in the upcoming season.

In the same interview, executive producer Graeme Manson reveals Charlotte's role in the upcoming season, "We'll see more of her. Like Kira, Charlotte adds to the stakes. She's an innocent and she is apparently part of the reason that Marian Bowles is putting her neck on the line and throwing her lot in with Sarah and her clones. Because she has this daughter and she shares the same stakes and has the same concerns about the future - health concerns, concerns about the conspiracy and what they're for and who they're after. All of those concerns are reflected in that child."

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