Annie Kim Pham Pronounced Dead 3 Days After Being Beaten Outside Santa Ana Nightclub; Brito and Zavala Found Guilty for Voluntary Manslaughter and Assault


Annie Kim Pham case has just gotten a lot of progress today, particularly when two women were finally convicted for her murder. Annie Kim Pham was beaten to death right outside a Santa Ana nightclub only earlier this year. The jury found the 27-year-old Candace Brito and 26-year-old Vanesa Zavala, guilty of voluntary manslaughter and assault.

The nightclub, which was the scene of the crime committed on Annie Kim Pham, The Crosby nightclub is now shuttered, according to LA Times. Sadly, however, their charges on 2nd degree murder were dropped.

These two women have been accused of violently kicking the 23-year-old Annie Kim Pham on her head, while she was already down on the sidewalk. Based on the reports, it was a brawl that broke out during that night. Prosecutors stated that Zavala was the one responsible for the blow that made Annie Kim Pham go limp. Annie Kim Pham was brought to the hospital, placed on full life support, but died after a three-day stay in the hospital.

There were numerous witnesses who gave their accounts of what went on that night. Moreover, some were even able to capture the brawl on video using a cellphone. Although the footage was grainy, at best, it was enough to show just how merciless the two females have been while they beat up Annie Kim Pham.

Troy Pino, Senior Deputy District Attorney, stated in court that Annie Kim Pham was only waiting in line with her friends and was taking pictures with them outside the nightclub. According to the City News Service, it was most likely that a series of events compelled Annie Kim Pham to throw the 1st punch. Brito and Zavala were quick on their toes, though, and managed to pull her by her hair and dragged her head down to the ground.

Pino also said that multiple witnesses informed him about how Zavala violently kicked Annie Kim Pham in the head multiple times. As seen in the video, Zavala was obviously gritting her teeth as she repeatedly kicked the then already defenseless Annie Kim Pham on the head. One final kick managed to knock Annie Kim Pham unconscious.

In their defense, the attorneys hired by Brito and Zavala argued that they were not actually attacking Annie Kim Pham. According to them, the two were only trying to protect themselves from being harmed in the chaotic fight.

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