Homeless Tuberculosis Patient Runs Away Without Treatment; Police Are On Search


The search for Eduardo Rosas Cruz, a homeless man who has been diagnosed with tuberculosis, is currently underway in Northern California.

Before any treatment, Cruz visited the emergency room at San Jaoquin General Hospital back in March, complaining about a severe cough, shortness of breath and a high fever, according to the publication HNGN.

After the medical staff diagnosed him with tuberculosis, they asked him to stay in a Stockton motel room to receive treatment. A health worker was to deliver him the proper medication and watch him take it, but Cruz reportedly took off and hasn't been back since.

Prosecutors in Northern California reportedly stated on Thursday that they obtained an arrest warrant for the 25-year-old homeless man. The police are currently searching for him because he might be contagious and pose a threat to the health of others around him.

"He could be in a homeless shelter. He could be around the corner from the courthouse. We don't know," stated San Joaquin County Deputy District Attorney Stephen Taylor.

Although it is unclear if Rosas Cruz is contagious, tuberculosis spreads through the air when an infected person coughs or sneezes, so officials are not taking any chances, according to the Daily Mail.

Rosas Cruz reportedly needs a nine-month regime of medicine. Tuberculosis most commonly infects a person's lungs and can be deadly if left untreated.

In court papers filed in support of the arrest warrant, public health officials reportedly stated that Rosas Cruz resisted treatment from the start. He also reportedly uses crack cocaine and methamphetamine, according to officials.

Taylor, who was not aware that Rosas Cruz is homeless, stated that he is not interested in punishing him through the criminal court system, according to the website. Instead, he is more focused on using the courts to protect the public's health.

"We're interested in this guy because he broke the orders of the health officer. It's all that's left on the shelf," stated Taylor.

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