Cane Corso dogs attack a jogger and kills him. This incident is actually the 3rd time that dogs attacked someone in a span of two years. Many are hoping that the dog of the two Cane Corso dogs that mauled the jogger to death will be held legally responsible.
Craig Sytsma, the jogger, was just running along a dirt road, which was actually a frequent route for many joggers and bikers in Michigan. The massive Cane Corso dogs were not secured and attacked him, refusing to let go. A neighbor was able to witness what happened, and was quick in trying to scare off the dogs by shooting a gun, nicking one of the Cane Corso dogs in the process. Still, despite an injury, the Cane Corso dogs refused to let loose on their tight bite on the man.
After some time, the Cane Corso dogs eventually ran off. The witness, as well as another jogger, who happens to be a nurse, attempted to perform CPR on Sytsma. Sytsma, a father of three children, was immediately brought to the hospital, but, unfortunately, he died an hour later.
This vicious attack of the Cane Corso dogs is actually not the 1st time that dogs have acted very violently. This recent dog-caused death outraged many of the citizens of Michigan. April Smith, another Michigan resident, was also attacked by one of the Cane Corso dogs back in 2012. As a result of the violent attack, she injured her leg in three different spots. She filed a lawsuit against the owner. Moreover, as reported by the local authorities, a 70-year-old man was also attacked just last year.
The owner of the Cane Corso dogs admitted to his neighbors that his dogs were, indeed, aggressive in nature. He was asked about this, point-black, by a mother, and he replied, "Everything I own is aggressive." Unfortunately for Sytsma, and his family, the owner told the truth.