'Guardians of the Galaxy' Star Chris Pratt Wasn't the Superhero Type According to Director James Gunn; 'Parks and Recreation' Actor Came to Movie Audition '60 Pounds Overweight'

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Guardians of the galaxy
Chris Pratt
Parks and recreation
James gunn
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"Guardians of the Galaxy" star Chris Pratt, who is better known for his comical role in NBC's "Parks and Recreation," didn't initially fit the superhero mold according to filmmaker James Gunn.

Gunn, director of "Guardians of the Galaxy," admitted that he couldn't picture Pratt as Star Lord, the leader of the group of space outlaws turned heroes.

“Chris came in probably 60 pounds overweight, completely out of shape, did not look like a superhero,” said Gunn, reported the NY Daily News . “But within 20 seconds, I turned to the casting director, Sarah Finn, and said, ‘He’s the guy.’”

Although he landed the role, Pratt had a lot of work ahead of him in order to make a believable superhero.

“It was a lot of running and sweating and swimming and biking and hiking and boxing and crying and being grumpy and moody,” he recalled.

With his next movie "Jurassic World," Pratt just might have to keep the workout routine going.

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