Clippers will be Sold for $2 Billion, Judge allowed the Sale


Results have finally come out regarding the impending battle of selling the Los Angeles Clippers. Now that the decision has been made, NBA pro basketball team LA Clippers can now be sold to former Microsoft Corp chief executive Steve Ballmer.

According to Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Michael Levanas, the sale brokered by Sterling's estranged wife, Shelly, can now push through even if Donald Sterling would chose to appeal. Levanas said "She had every good reason to believe that Donald agreed to the sale of the team."

Shelly Sterling was emotional during the announcement of the ruling saying "either way we'd win. I am just doing what I had to do." She was seen hugging her lawyer and crying after the ruling was explained. She was heard saying "I can't believe it's over. This is the best thing."

It can be remembered that NBA has banned Sterling for life as he has been found out on a recording telling his girlfriend to refrain from bringing African-American friends to games. The racist comment received an ire from NBA fans, players and heads which caused him a fine worth $2.5 million as well as an immediate push to force him into selling the Clippers. For the record, Sterling denies the allegation of him being a racist.

NBA spokesman Mike Bass said in a statement that the NBA is looking forward to closing a chapter that had brought shame to the league. He said "We look forward to the transaction closing as soon as possible."

According to professor of law at University of Southern California, Ed McCaffery, there is a large possibility that Donald Sterling will appeal the ruling but even so, this won't disrupt the sale. He said "He can appeal as much as he likes, but the Clippers are going to be sold to Ballmer."

Also, Los Angeles tax attorney Bruce Givner thinks that if Sterling appeals, it will fail and that the court won't care about the probate case. He said "I think the sale is going to go through. I suspect the NBA is ready to move very quickly. They want to get rid of Sterling like a canker sore. Nobody wants him around except the people that are charging legal fees to continue this charade."

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