Revenge Season 4 Spoilers: David Clarke’s Return Might Anger Emily, Rumor Suggests; Will He Turn Against His Daughter?

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Revenge Season 4 Spoilers: David Clarke is sure to return to ABC thriller. Christian Today noted that the reintroduction of David Clarke might annoy Emily. Reportedly, it flicker assumptions that he will be the villain next season. Since the accusation of terrorism and being taken away from his family before faking his own death, he kept a super low key profile for 20 years. The possibility of being nasty in the upcoming season might be seen. Will he turn against his daughter?

According to Gospel Herald, Season 3 was focused on Emily Thorne's revenge on those who wronged her father. Emily covers her real identity, which is Amanda Clarke, to go after Conrad Grayson and his wife Victoria. She was able to get even with them by having the latter locked up in an asylum and Conrad arrested. However, David comes back and stabs Conrad to death as the previous season's ender.

"When Victoria discovers that David is back, is her first reaction terror because maybe he knows that she betrayed him?" Revenge Executive Producer Aaron Harberts said to E! Online. "Bringing David back, he's the one character out there who could really push a lot of her buttons. For us, we're always looking to do new dynamics and find something new."

"David Clarke is alive, but he is not at all the man that Emily or Victoria thinks they knew," Show runner Sunil Nayar told People magazine.

Executive producers Gretchen Berg and Aaron Harberts explained David Clarke's return to E! News.

"The show had reached a point where it was collapsing in on itself because with the Initiative, we tried to go bigger," Berg said. "It didn't seem to work as well, it didn't feel intimate, so we were running out of people for revenge and unless we were able to turn the show on its ear and make a big, big splash and made it exciting for all of us to move forward."

"It's Emily's time to realize she did this in the name of her father, was that the right thing to do? Is he happy about that or is he disappointed? It's going to be a father-daughter relationship season. The character of Emily is so central to the show and after three years of exploring her through that lens of revenge, the staff was like what new element in can come into her life that will shake her up completely and allow us to force Emily to find out who Amanda is and we realized it's her father," Harberts said.

Revenge returns to ABC on September 28th, 2014.

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