New York Giants Player David Wilson Advised Never To Play Again, 23- Year-Old Out For The 2014 Season; 'I Lived My Dream'


He is only 23 years old, but David Wilson will not play for the New York Giants for this season, or ever. Doctors have said that the player's neck stinger injury is so severe that he is advised never to play football again.

It was last July 29 when the injury happened, but this new study by the doctors suggested that it is better for him not to play.

"Dr. Frank Cammisa Jr., our spine specialist at HSS examined David this morning and following that exam, we both sat down and shared our perspective with David," Dr. Russell Warren, the team physician said.

"David has diffuse cervical stenosis. He had a disc removed and a fusion in January. In light of last week's episode of symptoms, sensory and motor, Frank and I both told David he should not play football any more. We let David know that by playing, he would be putting himself at risk for more episodes like last week or perhaps something more serious."

Nevertheless, the young player seems to be at peace with the advice by the experts.

"I don't want anybody to feel sorry for me, or pity me," Wilson said.

"I lived my dream. A lot of people only get to dream their dream. I lived that dream. Now I have a chance to dream another dream and live that, too."

Wilson was feeling optimistic since last week starting from the day of injury last July 29. He says he is 'fine' and is hopeful that he is still going to play in the future.

"I'm thankful that I can literally walk away from the game and that I am healthy and capable of doing the same things I have done all my life, except play football," the 23- year- old added.

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