iPhone 6 Release Date: Will The LPDDR4 DRAM Be The Difference Maker For This Newest Flagship? Will This Processor Justify The Price Surge?

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IPhone 6

This year, Apple will be looking to launch the iPhone 6. This upcoming smartphone is built to offer faster processor to be supported by the new iOS 8 while still being energy efficient.

Word has it that the iPhone 6 will be equipped with the LPDDR4 DRAM memory. This piece of hardware is a technological breakthrough and speed will be at a whole new level.

After the fallout with Samsung back in 2011, Apple has been investing on Elpida/Micron. It is this company that is developing the LPDDR4 DRAM. The hardware will be accompanied by a faster processor and a bigger display.

With $250 million being invested on the DRAM, the iPhone 6 is hinted to be the most expensive iPhone to date. It doesn't help with it being bigger as more material translates to a larger cost.

It is unknown on when the iPhone 6 will be unveiled but consumers can expect it to repeat the release pattern of its predecessors. If so, then the iPhone 6 will be coming around the September or October period.

Initially, reports said that the iPhone 6 will have a price increase due to a wider display. Good thing though, is that it will also have better specs and materials. Read on.

"Our checks indicate Apple has started negotiating with carriers on a $100 iPhone 6 price increase," saidJefferies analyst Peter Misek, according to Business Insider. "The initial response has been no, but there seems to be an admission that there is no other game-changing device this year."

The iPhone 6 is certainly a subject of high interest as it has been constantly linked to come with a phablet variant. Nonetheless, the iPhone 6 will be running on the brand new A8 processor, the iOS 8 and packed with features like the TouchID.

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