According to SMH, comedian Marlon Wayan has no plans to aplogize on the alleged photo where Delta Goodrem is beside him dancing during real-life couple' Jay Z and Beyonce's concert.
The alleged racist photo posted by Marlon Wayans spread everywhere through the power of social media (particularly Facebook).
Guardian described this news as it seems like a storm in a teacup, given that Goodrem and Wayans had seen chatted through much of the concert, however, a lot of people have criticized Wayans' on his own social media channels due to the said "racist" caption.
From the same source, it said that:
"Australians seem to have a widespread misunderstanding of exactly what racism is. Yet the accusation of "reverse racism" is quick to follow any joke made at the expense of a white person, and even when people of colour celebrate the achievements of someone from their community. And let's not forget that white people leapt to Goodrem's defence last year, when she was criticised for retweeting an "hilarious" fan photo featuring a man in blackface."
SMH got the statement of the comedian regarding the online bashing. It says:
"Ok so let me start by saying suck it long, hard and til y'all mouths hurt to all these sensitive ass people," he tweeted.
"Secondly, I ain't apologizing for a joke...
"I love that all these people calling me racist cuz I stated a fact. She can't dance. Apparently neither can u. Now f*** outta here.
"one day people are gonna understand... I simply don't give f***. And I refuse to succumb to this new world order if not having an opinion.
"All comedians, say what u say and let it be said. Never say sorry for a fact, just say f*** off. Be you, be true."
The comedian has also tweeted these statements:
"Still can't dance. I'm gonna annoy u annoying sensitive asses with collages ...," he wrote beside the black and white photograph.
SMH said that American comedian will not give a public apology on the alleged racist photo and caption.