FDA Issues Warning Of Tattoo Ink Infections


Even though getting a tattoo is exciting, one must always keep possible infections in mind.

The Food and Drug Administration has issued a warning towards tattoo parlors, their customers and those buying at-home tattoo kits that not all tattoo ink is safe, according to the news outlet NBC Bay Area.

Last month, California company White and Blue Lion Inc. recalled inks in in-home tattoo kits after testing confirmed bacterial contamination in unopened bottles, according to the website.

At least one skin infection has reportedly been linked to the company's products. FDA officials have stated that they were made aware of other reports of infections linked to tattoo inks with similar packaging.

The bad news is that White and Blue Lion Inc. may reportedly be only one of the distributors that are being linked to contaminated products. The FDA is reportedly concerned that consumers and tattoo artists may have some of the contaminated products from a recall that was made in July as well.

The FDA is warning those looking to get a tattoo to ensure that the ink has a brand name and a location of the business that manufactured it.

"What the consumer can do is talk to the tattoo artist and see the ink bottle," explained Linda Katz, director of the FDA's Office of Cosmetics and Colors.

Tattoo infections are not uncommon but it is best to be cautious before getting one to best prevent possible infection, especially because regulations regarding tattoos are different from state to state.

"Depending on where you are, it's possible no one is checking to make sure the artist is following safe practices or even knows what may be harmful to consumers," an alert read.

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