‘Tusk’ Movie Successfully Combines Horror And Comedy; Kevin Smith Treats Moviegoers To A Genre Twisting Plot With A Unique Concept!


The "Tusk" movie, directed by Kevin Smith, indulges the thirst of genre obsessive moviegoers for a dark comedy of horrors with a unique concept woven into a compelling plot that will keep their eyes glued to the screen.

The "Tusk" movie, as reported in the gist of NME, delves into the trouble that befell podcaster Wallace Brynton (Justin Long). What he thought was just another day at work, covering his new podcast subject Mr. Howe, quickly deteriorates into a nightmarish journey.

An odd seafarer who resides in an eerie mansion, Mr. Howe , who loves telling tales of his sea exploits, is as eccentric as his home. His desire to change Wallace into a walrus sets the stage for the horrific events that take place in Kevin Smith's comic horror movie.

Genesis Rodriguez, portraying the role of Alison, and Haley Joel Osment, in the role of Teddy, are Long's friends in the movie. When he fails to return on the appointed time after his planned interview of Mr.Howe, his two pals comb Canada's backwoods to find him. There, they discover the truth about Long's living nightmare from which escape is impossible.

Smith got his idea for the "Tusk" movie from his own podcast. The director dared to mix humor with scares, which is quite a difficult task to do, as reported by the AV Club. Whether or not he succeeds in doing this, his courage to take the risk is more than commendable enough. Also, his concept of a maniac driven to transform a man into a walrus is undoubtedly one of a kind. Thus, the movie is considered as one of his most original works to date.

ME reported that Smith has told his fans that "Tusk" is the best film he has ever created. It is set to premiere at the Toronto International Film Festival in September.

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