Metta World Peace To Change Name To Chinese Translation Of 'Panda Friend' During Summer Stint Playing In China


Metta World Peace will play for the Sichuan Blue Whales for the next season at the CBA. His new pay check of $1.43 million, of course, will not be complete without a new name. It happens to be "The Panda's Friend."

He really seems so excited with his new name. He even reiterated that it is 'The Panda's Friend' and not 'Panda Friend' only.
A China Daily report says:

"New high-profile import playing for Chinese basketball Association club Sichuan Blue Whales is known as Ron Artest but intends to change his name to "Panda Friend" in honor of his move to China.

"World Peace, who is known in China as "Ci Shiping", a literal translation of "Metta World Peace," now plans to name himself after China's giant panda, a precious animal based in Southwest China's Sichuan province, where his new team is also based."

The 34- year- old player was so excited for his new name he even tweeted about is saying:

"First thing I am doing when I get to china will be visiting Pandas with my daughter @BabyGirl_Sade" --@MettaWorldPeace

"I have more creativity coming in china. Im only there for 4months, so I will make sure its fun and successful before I head back to America." --@MettaWorldPeace

"Wait until you guys see my first game;) you think the name is buzzing... Wow!!! Lol. Please stay tuned!!!" ---@MettaWorldPeace

According to an NY Daily News article:

"Giant panda's are on the list of endangered species and are found in the wild in central China, particularly in Sichuan province, where World Peace will be playing. He'll earn $1.43 million playing for the Blue Whales next season, making him the highest-paid player in the CBA."

However, it is still uncertain if the Knicks forward is officially changing his name to The Panda's friend, or he is just keeping it until China.

His real name is Ron Artest, though.

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