Casey Anthony 2014 is believed to have been the most famous woman in the United States after the events that took place back in 2011.
During the summer of 2011, Casey Anthony 2014 was accused of murdering Caylee Anthony, her 2-year-old daughter. However, what outraged the American people was when she got acquitted for it. Three years have passed, and it looks like Casey Anthony 2014 has now made a comeback into the partying scene, a lifestyle that made her reviled with the American public.
After being acquitted, Casey Anthony 2014 knew it was smart to keep out of the limelight. She worked some low-profile jobs as she struggled with the "crushing" financial difficulties that were brought on her by her trial. Although this may be true, sources have divulged that Casey Anthony 2014 is living a very carefree lifestyle, partying regularly, all thanks to the money she gets from anonymous people.
Even if three years have already passed, the public's interest in Casey Anthony 2014 has not waned a single bit. In fact, several news outlets have released reports that Casey Anthony 2014 was spotted in Siesta Key, Florida.
Bill Warner, a local private investigator and blogger, has claimed that Casey Anthony 2014 has, indeed, returned to her old partying lifestyle. According to Warner, Casey Anthony 2014 was seen several times lounging on various beaches and going bar-hopping.
Warner wrote, "Casey Anthony supposed sighting in Morton's Grocery Store Sarasota FL and rumors that she parties and frequents bars on Siesta Key within walking distances to her rental house, her Florida driver's license has expired.
It is true that Casey Anthony 2014 is presently having some financial difficulties because of the trial she was involved in three years ago. However, she still gets to party and have some luxurious R&R because of the "donations" that are given to her anonymously by "a few benefactors" who seem to be quite enamored with her and "pay for everything."