Fights On Facebook: How To Avoid Them So You Will Not Lose Your Friends And Your Character; Troubles on Facebook Goes Beyond the Online World


Fights on Facebook are now a normal thing. But is it supposed to be that way?

Facebook is created to help people gather old and current friends, and win new ones. However, some people experienced the opposite. They either start conflicts or get themselves involved in online 'bouts'.

Avoid posting statuses when mad.

Anger may lead to nowhere, especially in the world of social media. The subject may find the need to speak up to explain his or her side in a manner that will only result to more heated debates. Friends from both parties may even take sides and before everyone knows it, it is already 'World War III'. Now the match begins on Facebook and ends with everyone hating (and blocking) each other.

If furious, stay in bed or do something worthwhile or relaxing. Let the wrath pass. Deal with it in person or let the issue die a natural death.

Think before making comments.

Boredom can get some people into trouble. Without anything in mind to post but finding the need to do it, they scroll on their friends' statuses and write comments.

If the issue is obviously sensitive, never give any unsolicited 'advice' - particularly if the person who writes the status is annoyed at something. The message may be understood in a different light, either by the user or by any of the commenters. If giving advice is necessary, approach the person.

Avoid fights on Facebook. Some people may think of your character as war freak and they will begin evading you.

If it's the same individual writing nasty things on Facebook, consider blocking or deleting them in the friends list. Some people are just so annoying or taking chances to grab people's attention. It is better to unfriend them. They do not deserve a space in the newsfeed.

Do not write in all capital letters.

Writing in capital letters means anger. Never make it a habit.

Fights on Facebook do not end on Facebook. It even goes beyond the world of social media.

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