Upcoming Comic Book Movies 2015 And Beyond: List With Release Dates From Warner Bros/ DC And Disney/Marvel! Mark Your Calendars Now!

Warner bros

Warner Bros/ DC and Disney/Marvel have undeniably set the standards in bringing our favorite superheroes and action figures to the big screen. Now they are keeping all the hype up and alive with this list of upcoming comic book movies from 2015 to 2020. The more thrilling part is, over 40 movie adaptations are next in line!

We only have 14 confirmed titles/concepts as of now:


May 1, 2015 - The Avengers: Age of Ultron

June 19, 2015 - Fantastic Four

July 17, 2015 - Ant-Man


March 25, 2016 - Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice

May 6, 2016 - Captain America 3

May 27, 2016 - X-Men: Apocalypse

July 8, 2016 - Doctor Strange (Unannounced)

November 11, 2016 - Sinister Six


2017 - Venom Carnage

March 3, 2017 - Wolverine 3 (Untitled)

July 28, 2017 - Guardians of the Galaxy 2

July 14, 2017 - Fantastic Four 2

2017 - Unannounced Female Character Spider-Man Movie


2018 - The Amazing Spider-Man 3

And these are the untitled films open for speculations:


August 5, 2016 - Unannounced DC Movie


May 5, 2017 - Unannounced Marvel Movie

June 23, 2017 - Unannounced DC Movie

November 3, 2017 - Unannounced Marvel Movie

November 17, 2017 - Unannounced DC Film


March 23, 2018 - Unannounced DC Movie

May 4, 2018 - Unannounced Marvel Movie

July 6, 2018 - Unannounced Marvel Movie

July 13, 2018 - Unannounced X-Men Movie

July 27, 2018 - Unannounced DC Movie

November 2, 2018 - Unannounced Marvel Movie


April 5th, 2019 - Unannounced DC Movie

May 3, 2019 - Unannounced Marvel Movie

June 14th, 2019 - Unannounced DC Movie


April 3rd, 2020 - Unannounced DC Movie

June 19th, 2020 - Unannounced DC Movie

(Credits to Screenrant and Indiewire)

Seems like 2017 and 2018 are jam-packed with actions and adventures, right? Some of the rumored titles that could just be part of that list are Wonder Woman, Justice League Dark, and Aquaman. The Sandman adaptation on the other hand, which failed to surpass the preproduction stage in the late 1990s, might just turn into reality as Joseph Gordon-Levitt initiated to direct and star the film.

What makes this speculation valid is Gailman's comments on Levitt's dedication to pursue this adaptation:

"Joseph Gordon-Levitt, of all people, is an enormous 'Sandman' fan. He and David Goyer talked about it, they've come up, I believe, with a treatment of what they want the story of the first movie to be.

"They are talking to an incredible writer [Jack Thorne], who I coincidentally already knew, because he did the movie script for 'The Ocean at the End of the Lane,' so I've met him and loved his treatment of my work. And Wednesday afternoon I will be spending with Joseph Gordon-Levitt and talking 'Sandman'! That's pretty much everything I know. Now you know as much as I know." (via Screenrant)

Gailman also made it clear that The Sandman adaptation is taking so much time because he'd rather not see it on the big screen than see a bad Sandman movie. Will Levitt live up to his expectations?

Adaptations of Metal Men and Fables are also teased by DC Entertainment President Diane Nelson before, but again we need to take everything with just a pinch of salt!

Watch out for more confirmed titles to be included in this list of upcoming comic book movies 2015 and beyond!

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