Bigger iPhones Vs. One-Hand Games: Will It Affect The Gaming Experience Of Apple Users?

IPhone 6

According to rumors, Apple would be releasing its biggest iPhone to date. There are speculations the latest model could come out as 4.7 inches and 5.5 inches handsets. Whether the news makes you happy or not, it could only mean the extinction of casual, great one-handed games we got used to.

Consumers might not care about bigger iPhones but game designers do. Bennett Foddy, who's responsible for the iPhone incarnation of QWOP, said that designing games for iOS would be a nightmare.

It must be recognized that smartphones made way for the creation of user-friendly games as far as using one hand only. Foddy said that one-handed games allowed busy people to include games in their daily routine. They can play Letterpress, Threes or Flappy Bird at the bank, on the train or wherever they are usually busy.

But with bigger iPhones, a huge number of users won't be able to play one-handed games comfortably. This would mean taking the games away from the busiest part of their lives. On the part of game designers, this means bad business as they have to let go of a significant number of customers whenever they create one-handed games. Asher Vollmer, who co-created Threes, agrees with Foddy on this.

Fragmentation is one of the problems well-crafted games have to address with bigger iPhones. For example, micro details such as distance of button from the screen's edge would definitely affect interaction. With smaller smartphones, this concern can be worked out easily.

Another issue bigger iPhones have to address is awkward gaming. Or, is it really awkward to play games using two hands? Remember, tiny smartphones have resulted to the creation of one-handed games. Why can't the same happen with bigger phones? Aside from gaming, there are now Instagram and Twitter that busy us during our idle moments.

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