Looks like not all celebrities are prepared for their shots! Here's a list of most unhygienic celebrities.
From, sidestepping toothpaste, dodging deodorant and ditching shampoos it seems that stars are not always at their best looks when it comes to hygiene! Here's a list of some unhygienic famous people who are proud to admit their stinky habits.
Hunks Bradley Cooper and Matthew McConaughey may have thousands of women fans but both shirk deodorant.
Comedian Joan Rivers suggests mixture of vodka and water as deodorant, while Brad Pitt rejects water and uses baby wipes!
Megan Fox do not flush the toilet, Robert Pattinson disgusts washing his hair and Jessica Simpson does not use toothbrush in cleaning her pearly white teeth and clean them with a shirt.
Meanwhile Snooki and Anderson Cooper seem to have their ways and means to save money. Snooki, the star of Jersey Shore says she wants to save money on her beauty regimen by exfoliating her skin with cat litter. She calls herself a cheapo, and she doesn't want to spend a big amount of money on spas. Cooper, the CNN anchorman only washes his jeans two times in six months by standing in the shower.
Cameron Diaz is one of the most unhygienic celebrities; this star snubs to use deodorant because she thinks it's not friendly to the environment. However, here body odor has led to complains on the set. Cameron should try to use deodorants that are made from natural products and are not tried on animals.
Body odor is not restricted to armpits; Britney Spears is a prime model. Her feet are smelly, so bad that the flight attendants asked her to wear her shoes back on while flying.
Johnny Depp is one of the most good looking male celebrities, and one of the most unhygienic celebrities, but he has some smelly qualities, like Captain Jack Sparrow, his character in the film franchise Pirates of the Caribbean. Based on some source in Hollywood, Depp is not fond of bathing.