X-Men Apocalypse: Hugh Jackman Wolverine Costume Leaked Online [PHOTO] As Four Characters Are Hinted To Become The Horsemen Of Apocalypse! Who Are They?

X-men: apocalypse
Hugh Jackman
Leaked online
X-Men film franchise

Good news Marvel Fans! Hugh Jackman's possible costume for the upcoming X-Men movie, X-Men Apocalypse has been revealed.

Marvel BC has reported that an alleged photo of Hugh Jackman Wolverine Costume for X-Men Apocalypse has appeared online.

The leaked Hugh Jackman Wolverine costume looks exactly like the one shown on a deleted scene of "The Wolverine" movie and it gives reference to the updated yellow and masked costume of Wolverine in the Astonishing X-Men Comics.

Comic Book Movie has picked up a tidbit from the latest episode of The Q&A with Jeff Goldsmith where guest writer/producer Simon Kinberg has revealed that X-Men: Apocalypse will be set in the year 1983. Those of you keeping track will note that this is 10 years after the events of X-Men: Days of Future Past.

This means that while the X-Men: First Class cast - like James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence and Nicholas Hoult - will be continuing their roles, they will also be playing characters 21 years older than when we first met them. It may finally be time for Magneto to start sprouting some grey hair and for Professor X to start losing his. Mystique and Beast presumably won't be affected on the same level, but that's only because their costumes require so much makeup anyway.

Meanwhile, four X-Men characters are rumored to become the Horsemen of Apocalypse.

According to reports from Comic Central City, these characters are Archangel, Holocaust, Exodus and Selene.





Archangel was reported before to join X-Men Apocalypse as one of the four horsemen and it is rumored that Ben Foster will reprise his role in the movie.

MTV News conducted an interview before with X-Men writer Simon Kinberg about Archangel's possible appearance in the movie.

"I would say in terms of making any character decisions on 'Apocalypse' is, we set back the clock on 'Days of Future Past,' so a lot could have changed from that point in 1973 forward, meaning people could have been born earlier," Kinberg said. "The whole world changed after those events. Things that were represented even 'X1′ and 'X2′ and 'X3′ wouldn't have happened in quite the same way."

Enstarz has reported that joining Archangel in the line-up will be Plague, Mister Sinister and possibly Wolverine, but no confirmation has been made.

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