Robin Williams in World of Warcraft? Blizzard is reportedly creating a character based on the actor as tribute to his life's work.
Fans of the game and the actor should look forward to seeing Robin Williams in World of Warcraft, if Blizzard decides to memorialize the "Mrs. Doubtfire" star in the highly-successful game.
Williams is no stranger to video games; her daughter Zelda was named after one of Nintendo's most successful titles, and one of its most familiar characters. It's also reported Williams was an avid gamer of Warcraft 3, as well as the franchise's newest release.
A running petition was filed by a member in the World of Warcraft community after news of Williams' death, requesting the actor be added as a non-playable character in the game.
Jacob Holgate's appeal on "The loss of Mr. Williams is felt worldwide with a collect intake of disbelief and crushing sadness. Robin Williams was not only an excellent comedian but also a game enthusiast. Because of his presence within our community, we the players of World of Warcraft are asking Blizzard to kindly create an NPC within the game that memorializes the actor/comedian. Many have expressed a wish for this to character perform some of Williams' best jokes within the World's End Tavern, so that he may continue making us smile long after his passing."
Blizzard apparently noticed the overwhelming demand to include Robin Williams in World of Warcraft, which collected ten thousand signatures without skipping a beat. Designer Chad Nervig responded in a tweet, requesting for an update on the petition: "Yes. We're taking care of it."
@mumper @CM_Lore @Celestalon @DaveKosak @davhave u guys seen this yet?
— Dakirokos (@Dakirokos) August 12, 2014
@Dakirokos @mumper @CM_Lore @DaveKosak @davhave Yes. We're taking care of it. — Celestalon (@Celestalon) August 12, 2014
A tweet from the game's official Twitter account somewhat confirms the petition a success: "@robinwilliams Thank you. You gave us so much joy in our lives, and we hope you enjoyed your time in our world. We'll see you in-game."
.@robinwilliams Thank you. You gave us so much joy in our lives, and we hope you enjoyed your time in our world. We’ll see you in-game. — World of Warcraft (@Warcraft) August 13, 2014
Holgate assures fans of the game and the actor the decision to include Robin Williams in World of Warcraft will be carefully executed, as a tribute (source: