'True Blood' Season 7 Spoilers [VIDEO]: Will Bill Die in ‘Love Is To Die’ Episode 9? Does Sookie See The Future Without Bill?

True blood season 7

"True Blood" Season 7 fans are thrilled to see what will happen in the last two episodes of the series being shown in HBO. Will Bill Compton, played by Stephen Moyer, bid good bye in the finale - or choose to drink the antidote to live?

In the previous episodes, Bill suffers from Hepatitis V. His life is in danger because the virus is spreading quickly inside his body. He has one chance to live: Drink the antidote that is running in the veins of Sarah Newlin. But Bill is troubled by his past that he will rather accept his death over the possibility of survival. Will Sookie Stackhouse, played by Anna Paquin, lose Bill? TV Guide made a revelation that someone from the cast will perish in episode 9 billed as 'Love is to Die'. Is it Bill?

This may be unlikely if "True Blood" Season 7 fans will consider what the show's Executive Producer Brian Buckner had said at the panel at San Diego Comic-Con when asked if Bill and Sookie will be back together before the series finale: "They might. They're in each other's spheres, for sure. At the end of the day, it's a television show, right? This show worked because of the chemistry they shared. I certainly felt, going into [the final season], that we had to come back to Bill and Sookie."

Also, if the followers of the series will read between the lines of the synopsis of the final episode titled as 'Thank You', they will think twice before believing that Bill will die: "Sookie weighs a future with and without Bill".

Official episode 9 synopsis says, "Sookie retreats in confusion. Sam (Sam Trammell) makes a choice. Jason (Ryan Kwanten) exercises uncharacteristic restraint, while Eric (Alexander Skarsgård) faces a dilemma after being caught in a lie."

Watch the penultimate episode of "True Blood" Season 7 airs on August 17, Sunday at 9 p.m. EST/PT on HBO.

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