A California woman was cited after reportedly climbing into the giraffe pen at a Madison zoo and getting kicked in the face, police stated.
24-year-old Amanda Hall of San Luis Obispo, California, climbed over one fence and almost got over the second fence of the giraffe enclosure at the Henry Vilas Zoo about 5:30pm Saturday, according to ABC News.
2-year-old, 12-foot-tall giraffe named Wally gave Hall a lick, then turned and kicked her in the face.
The zoo staff told police that giraffes are capable of killing lions, so the woman was fortunate that her injuries were not life-threatening, according to Fox News.
Police ticketed Hall for harassment of zoo animals, which has a fine of $686. Hall reportedly told officers that she climbed into the exhibit because she loves giraffes.
While we're on giraffe news, a seven-year-old giraffe Autumn gave birth to a calf earlier in August, according to Jezebel.
The EarthCam streamed the whole birthing process for giraffe lovers everywhere. Twitter users were following the beauty of giraffe birth.
One social media user, Kiko, tweeted, "Just heard Mom yell for the epidural. This baby should be here in no time!"
Watch Autumn giving birth here!