RHOC Finale Review: Terry Yells 'Penis' At David WHY Can't The Dubrows Forgive The Beadors! Vicki And Tamra Learn To Say Goodbye To Their Kids And All Is Wrapped Up ON Real Housewives Of Orange County


RHOC Finale Review: Real Housewives of Orange County Finale was just okay. Ad much as the Housewives wanted to wrap up their storylines into a perfect plastic bow, this could not be done in one finale. It will take a three-part RHOC reunion for that! Nothing was resolved at the dinner party between Tamra and Lizzie or Tamra and Shannon. Things only got worse between The Dubrows and the Beadors after Shannon was 'blindsighted' by Heather's incapability of dropping her hatred towards them. All season long on RHOC the Dubrows have bullied the Beadors adn until now, I wasn;t sure why. Terry is just a brat.

I too have to say that I'm surprised how Heather and her husband could not just move forward with the Beadors. Clearly, David Beador meant his apology to Terry about saying 'spread your legs.' But he didn't even have to apologize! In the flashback, wasn't Tamra's husband Eddie saying the same drunken meaningless nonsense. Why does Terry hate David so much? And the way Terry was making fun of him was very off-pudding. Terry is the only RHOC husband who gets involved in the drama. Look at the other Housewives men! Brooks, Eddie, Lizzie's husband (can't even remember) and David Beador all just want to make peace. What's up doc?

It was nice how Tamra made peace with Brooks in the finale and I was touched when Tamra told the Housewives confessional that she really wants the best for Vicki. I think Tamra truly loves Vicki and is only now realizing just how much. Their friendship isn't just for the RHOC cameras. Tamra is willing to fight for a friend, which Barney never seemed to do before. Tamra says bye to her son in the finale. He's a real winner. Ugg. Vicki says goodbye to her daughter grandson and Briana's husband...another winner. He's a real fun guy. And we end the Real Housewives of Orange County finale with Vicki Gundalson in tears. Didn't that happen last season?

Can't wait for the RHOC reunion!

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