Dota 2 Tier List August 2014 Revealed As Lycan Deemed Unfair And OP By Some Players! Lycan Nerf Possible In Next Dota 2 Update?


The Dota 2 tier list for August 2014 has just been revealed.

Guys over at Reddit and Playdota has made the definitive Dota 2 tier list for August 2014.

Sampling over pro games and pub games for August 2014, this has been the result of their test and the list below is the Dota 2 tier list for August 2014:

Lycan has gotten some flak from Dota 2 players for a while now as not only does he top the Dota 2 tier list for August 2014, but he has been really dominant in many games recently and many have been calling for Icefrog and Valve to give him some nerfs.

User "DilPickle" has commented on Reddit that:

"Lycan is OP because his ulti+ his pushing power makes him almost unstoppable in Pub games"

While some users have admitted that an addition of the character "Abyssal Underlord" may stop the rise of Lycan:

GenteelGunslinger from Reddit notes that "It's kinda funny. He's gone from overpowerered, back down to completely ignored, then back up to first ban. Guy really is a hard hero to balance. Might also be due to there not being enough counters to the push meta, which will probably be solved once Abyssal Underlord arrives."

What do you think about the Dota 2 tier list for August 2014 and how to play/deal with Lycan? Sound off in the comments below!

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